Pro-Democracy Series
These PSA's were developed by Iris Arts for Why Facts Matter as part of our commitment to public service to support socially relevant issues. You are welcome to put your logo at the end of the animation, and if you would like the messages modified we will consider that. Download or link to the videos on Vimeo. Contact us and we will send copies to you. Our Creative Commons license designation for these PSA's:
CC BY-NC-SA / Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike / This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit us and license their new creations under identical terms.
Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
A Woman's Right to Choose
A Democracy Trusts the Majority
Democracy Matters
Get Out the Vote Series
Animated PSA by Verona. Generic: only to protecting the vote. / John Lewis Voice
Motion Graphic PSA by Verona for GOTV campaign. Why Facts Matter. Generic.
Motion Graphic PSA by Verona for GOTV campaign Why Facts Matter. Generic.
Animated PSA GOTV campaign Georgia by Verona. Why Facts Matter. / John Lewis Voice
Motion Graphic PSA by Verona for GOTV campaign Why Facts Matter. Generic.
Motion Graphic PSA by Verona for GOTV campaign. Why Facts Matter.