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Websites developed by Iris Arts

Voz Propia Foundation

Voz Propia Foundation

Website development and maintenance.

Guadalupe Urbina

Guadalupe Urbina

What To Do: Prepare To Survive

What To Do: Prepare To Survive

Website with disaster preparation information that is available in the book "Bird Flu / What To Do" published in 2004.

Casa Matica

Casa Matica

Website for setting in the Andes in Ecuador where women are taught to weave to support themselves

Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg

Website for activist, statesman Daniel Ellsberg

Neolithia Foundation

Neolithia Foundation

Website development.

Karl Linn

Karl Linn

Website design and maintenance for community garden founder Karl Linn

Peace As A Human Right

Peace As A Human Right

Website Development and maintenance

History Computer Communications

History Computer Communications

This is a complex interlinked site of a book about the history of computer communication written by Jim Pelkey, a venture capitalist who was intricately involved in funding the "fathers" of the technology revolution.

Upaya Zen Center

Upaya Zen Center

Early website design for Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Truth In Costa Rica

Truth In Costa Rica

An informational site with both reflections and opinions about social and political changes in Costa Rica after CAFTA was in place/

A Digital Media BiographyKarl Linn

A Digital Media BiographyKarl Linn

A unique digital media biography of the life Karl Linn made up of about 20 excerpt from interviews over a period of two years where Karl talked about his life. Excerpts are parsed into categories from early to late history, mentors, extended projects, etc.

The Wolf We Feed

The Wolf We Feed

An information website used to inform about the social issues relevant in the free trade agreement in Central America (CAFTA)

Children Of Iran.

Children Of Iran.

Site developed by cohorts who visited Iran and returned with images of peace drawn by Iranian children.

Huarmi Marqui

Huarmi Marqui

Website development for group of women in the Andes in Ecuador who are learning indigenous weaving skills as a way to support themselves so they are not dependent of abusive spouses.

Iris Arts & Education Group

Iris Arts & Education Group

An early website

Meditation Art & Action

Meditation Art & Action

Website development

Break on Through

Break on Through

Website design for movie proposal

Iris has created websites for organizations and individuals involved in socially relevant issues.

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